10 Ways to Make Money Online from Home.

10 Ways to Make Money Online from Home.

10 Ways to Make Money Online from Home.
10 Ways to Make Money Online from Home.

 The internet offers us not only countless opportunities to entertain ourselves, communicate with each other, or learn something new but also the possibility of earning money online from home. Many people are already doing this: they work from their home office or living room, avoid the morning rush hour, and don't even have to change out of their sweatpants if they don't want to.

Earning money online from home: What you should know

 Of course, not everything that glitters is gold: to successfully earn money online, you need to consider a few things. You must be aware of the pitfalls and difficulties you may encounter on this career path. You need to think about the legal (including tax) and organizational aspects. You should choose a field or activity in the vastness of the internet that suits you and that you enjoy.
 In this article, I want to present ten popular ways to earn money online. I will discuss the activities themselves and the opportunities, risks, and challenges these jobs present.
 I will also try to rank the activities by difficulty – but keep in mind that this is my subjective opinion. Things that seem difficult or ambitious to me might be easy for you – and vice versa.
 Additionally, there are a few things you should know before you start an online business. I speak from experience, as I have been earning my living online for several years. Here are my most important tips:

Getting rich quickly and easily? Not likely.

 Many online entrepreneurs promise you the moon when they talk about ways to earn money online. If someone tells you that you can get rich quickly and easily with a certain method or job, you should best steer clear: these promises not only sound too good to be true – they are.
 To my knowledge, there is no way to get rich quickly and easily online that does not involve fraud or other criminal activities. And that never ends well.
 Working from home is still work: it requires commitment, preparation, perseverance, patience, and usually one or more talents or skills. So don't be fooled by shady characters and their big promises.

You are responsible for yourself.

 If you want to earn money online, you will most likely do so as a freelancer or self-employed person. This means you no longer have to follow a dress code or fight over the last cup of coffee in the kitchen. But it also means that you are solely responsible for yourself and your success: you have to motivate yourself to invest in your work – your boss isn't waiting for you in the office.
 You have to handle your bookkeeping, marketing, and customer communication yourself – in addition to the tasks your job entails. And you need to show perseverance and self-confidence – even when things aren't going well. Some people enjoy this challenge, and some even find it fun. But it's not always easy.

You must pay attention to taxes and laws.

 It certainly sounds tempting to just start and begin earning money. But especially if you want to make a living from your online job and not just earn a few extra bucks, you need to follow the rules. This may mean that you need to register a business.
 It most likely also means that you have to file tax returns and pay taxes. So make sure you understand the rules that apply to you and what you need to do to get started online.
 More on legal requirements and pitfalls can be found in this article, for example.

1. Become a Clickworker:

Difficulty: Easy

How quickly can you start earning money as a Clickworker?

You can start earning money as a Clickworker very quickly, but the earnings are typically not very high.

What does a Clickworker do?

Clickworkers work using their PCs, laptops, or smartphone apps. As the name suggests, Clickwork involves simple tasks that almost anyone can do, such as:
  • Correcting texts
  • Entering data
  • Transcribing conversations
  • Tagging images
  • Training AI
  • […]
 Clickworkers handle relatively simple tasks and can start working quite quickly. Millions of people around the world work as Clickworkers, but unfortunately, the earning potential is not very high. Some providers pay only a few cents for completing certain tasks, so you need to work quickly and efficiently. However, some tasks and providers pay better – thorough research can be beneficial.

2. Answer Online Surveys:

Difficulty: Easy

How quickly can you start earning money with online surveys?

 You can start earning money almost immediately by answering online surveys. However, the pay is not particularly good.

What do you do in online surveys?

 Online surveys are often conducted by market research companies or directly by companies that want to introduce a new product or service. All you need to do is provide some information about yourself and answer the surveys truthfully.
 Answering online surveys is one of the simplest ways to earn money online. You can literally complete the surveys while watching TV or even from the toilet! Since the entry barriers are so low and the activity is quite simple, the earning potential is unfortunately not very high: The major US provider Poll Pay states that German users are paid an average of €1.01 for completing a survey, which typically takes about 12 minutes. These surveys can be quite handy for earning a few extra euros per month.

3. Sell Second-Hand Clothing and Used Items:

Difficulty: Easy

How quickly can you start earning money as a second-hand seller?

Selling second-hand clothing or other used items online can generate a decent side income. However, you will eventually run out of items to sell.

What does an online seller do?

 Let's be honest: almost all of us have some items and clothes at home that we no longer need or use. If these things are still in good condition, you can sell them! There are many online platforms for this – Kleinanzeigen and Vinted are just two of the largest providers.
 Depending on the clothes or items you want to get rid of and their condition, selling used items can generate a significant additional income. However, you will eventually run out of second-hand clothes to sell – then you will need to decide if you want to try becoming a merchant. More on that later.

4. Virtual Assistance:

Difficulty: Easy to Medium

How quickly can you start earning money as a Virtual Assistant?

If you already have experience in the working world and with typical office tasks, you can start earning money fairly quickly as a Virtual Assistant (VA). However, it depends on how well you can present and market yourself and your skills.

What does a Virtual Assistant do?

 You can think of a Virtual Assistant as a kind of remote secretary. Many people who earn their money online lack the time to handle the organizational aspects of their work. This is where a Virtual Assistant comes in: as a Virtual Assistant, you handle general office tasks such as phone calls, answering emails, bookkeeping, social media, website maintenance, and more – depending on what your client needs assistance with.
 The client and their requirements determine how much money you can earn, how much effort is involved, and how difficult or simple the tasks are that you need to take on.

5. Affiliate Marketing:

Difficulty: Medium

How quickly can you start earning money as an Affiliate?

In most cases, it takes some time before you can earn significant money as an Affiliate. So, don’t expect to generate revenue immediately.

What does an Affiliate do?

 Affiliate marketing is somewhat tricky to categorize in this context. It is a component of many jobs that can be done from home. For most influencers, bloggers, product testers, and numerous online coaches, it is one of the most important sources of income.
 In affiliate marketing, companies collaborate with individuals, known as affiliates or publishers. These affiliates promote, test, or present the company's products in exchange for a commission.
 For instance, a food blogger might showcase their favorite kitchen tools – and each time a blog reader purchases one of these products through an affiliate link, the blogger earns a commission.

 Affiliate marketing is currently very popular but also presents some challenges: competition is intense in many affiliate sectors. Additionally, you need content through which you can promote, test, or present products or services.
 This requires significant work, and it takes time to build a large enough readership or follower base to earn substantial money. However, affiliate marketing can be worthwhile, especially if you find a suitable and lucrative niche.
 By the way, if you’d like to start as an affiliate but don’t know where to begin, check out our blog posts on affiliate marketing. We offer valuable knowledge, from step-by-step guides for affiliate beginners to comparisons of different affiliate programs.

6. Online Retail and Dropshipping:

Difficulty: Medium to Hard

How quickly can you start earning money as an online retailer or drop shipper?

 Although it requires some preparation and startup capital, you can start earning money relatively quickly as an online retailer or drop shipper if you do everything right.

What does an online retailer/drop shipper do?

 As mentioned earlier, online retail and dropshipping are essentially the continuation of selling second-hand clothing or used goods. Instead of selling your items, you can become a merchant. This involves selling products or services over the internet, often without even having to leave your house.
 As an online retailer, you typically need one or more storage spaces for the products you sell, as well as a shipping system. Both require time and effort.

 You can bypass this by engaging in dropshipping. With drop shipping, you source cheap products, usually from major suppliers like AliExpress or Amazon. Instead of buying and storing the products yourself, you simply forward customer orders to the producer, who then ships the products directly to your customers.
 Becoming an online retailer or drop shipper is a relatively ambitious endeavor, but the earning potential is not as limited as it is for roles like Clickworkers. You can earn four- to five-figure amounts per month, provided you are very successful in your field.

7. Become a Copywriter or Translator:

Difficulty: Medium to Hard

How quickly can you start earning money as a copywriter or translator?

 It depends on your skills. If you have prior experience as a copywriter or translator and are familiar with the field, you can start earning money relatively quickly.

What does a copywriter/translator do?

 If you have a strong sense of language, flawless spelling, and a certain level of communication skills, you can work from home as a copywriter. With excellent foreign language skills, working as a translator is also an option.
 As a copywriter, I can tell you: that if you are passionate about marketing, strategy, and concept development, enjoy writing, and strive for the perfect sentence, this job can be a lot of fun. However, I must also mention that competition in this industry can be quite tough – many people who enjoy writing want to become freelance copywriters or translators. This competition, along with people who want to generate a small side income, can result in low compensation for your work. This is especially true for typical freelance marketplaces like Fiverr or Textbroker: you can find new clients and jobs extremely quickly on these platforms, making them great for beginners. However, earning a good income is rarely possible here.

 One of my most important tips: your chances (and earning potential) improve significantly if you specialize in certain topics or industries – the rarer or more demanding your niche, the better.
Expert Tip: If you want to test whether writing suits you, starting your blog is a great way to experiment!

8. Starting as an Influencer:

Difficulty: Medium to Hard

How quickly can you earn money as an influencer?

The competition among influencers is immense. Depending on the topic or niche, you can still be successful – but it often requires a lot of effort to gain significant followers and start earning accordingly.

What does an influencer do?

 Most internet users are now familiar with what an influencer is, as well as the fact that some particularly successful influencers earn really good money. Whether on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, or a personal blog; whether in fashion, travel, lifestyle, cooking, or pets: as an influencer, you can choose which platform(s) and field to focus on.
 The most important requirement to become a successful influencer is producing good content. This means content that is both technically (whether video, image, text, etc.) and substantively convincing. Only with high-quality, relevant content will you resonate with your target audience and gradually build a solid follower base.

9. Sharing Knowledge as an Online Coach

Difficulty: Medium to Hard

How quickly can you earn money as an online coach?

 The challenge in working as an online coach is likely less about the coaching itself and more about having the necessary expertise in a specific subject. If you are particularly skilled at something that others would like to learn, such as art, photography, mathematics, or yoga (the possibilities are almost limitless), you can quickly earn money as an online coach.

What does an online coach do?

 An online coach does exactly what the name suggests: coaching people online, and teaching them specific skills that you are proficient in. These can be professional skills, but also hobbies or topics related to personal development.
 You can market your courses on specialized course platforms, which is particularly straightforward but often comes with lower earning potential. Alternatively, you can offer your coaching on your own website and market your courses through social media, email marketing, or paid ads. This requires more effort – but also offers significantly better-earning potential. The important thing is that you are really knowledgeable about your subject and know how to effectively pass on your knowledge.

10. Developing Programs and Websites

Difficulty: Hard

How quickly can you earn money as a developer?

The major challenge in becoming a programmer or developer is learning the craft – that is, programming. It can take quite a while, but you can also learn it from home. If you master one or more programming languages, you can earn quite a lot of money.

What does a developer do?

 A developer or programmer is responsible for programming software, apps, or websites (web development). A developer uses one or more programming languages to do this. The job is demanding, very popular in our digitized world – but also highly sought after.

Frequently Asked Questions: Earning Money Online from Home

Can I earn money online?

 Yes, you can earn money online from home. There are even many different ways to build your own online business: from simple product tests to your online shop.

Is earning money online legal?

 Yes, earning money online is legal in Germany. It's important that if your income exceeds certain thresholds, you also pay taxes on it and report it to your health insurance. In some cases, you may need to register a business. Otherwise, you are breaking the law.

How can I earn money online?

There are various ways to earn money on the internet. Here are a few options:
  • Clickwork and answering surveys online
  • Product tests (especially app or website tests)
  • Teaching online courses
  • Blogging and affiliate marketing
  • Being an influencer
  • Selling e-books
  • Running your online shop
  • Working as a copywriter or translator
  • [...]

How can I earn money from home?

 It depends on whether you are looking for a side income or want to work full-time over the Internet. For a side income, suitable options include:
  • Clickwork
  • Market research (answering surveys, testing websites, apps, and other online products)
  • Blogging
  • But there are also full-time professions that you can run as a pure online business:
  • Programming and developing (software, websites, apps, etc.)
  • Graphic design
  • Art and photography
  • Copywriting and translating
  • Coaching and online courses
  • Online retail
  • Sales-as-a-Service/Online sales

What professions allow you to work from home?

In some professions, it's quite normal to earn money from home. For example, these professions:
  • Programmer
  • Graphic designer or web designer
  • Photographer or videographer
  • Video producer
  • Copywriter
  • Translator or proofreader
  • Dropshipping
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Blogger or influencer.